Red Ribbon Club is a movement started by the Government of India in Educational Institutions through which students will be making awareness of AIDS. The club organizes awareness camps on AIDS at regular intervals in village areas. The volunteers engage themselves in distributing pamphlets regarding AIDS and the way of living.
Red like Love, as a symbol of passion and tolerance for those affected. Red like blood, representing the pain suffered by the many people who have died of AIDS. Red like the anger over the helplessness we are facing for a disease which still has no cure. Red as a sign of warning to not carelessly ignore one of the biggest problems of our time.” Red Ribbon clubs are envisaged to instill among all the students in the educational institutions values of service, develop healthy life styles, and increase access to safe and adequate quantities of blood to all the needy by promotion of Regular voluntary blood donation. Apart from this, RRC aims at harnessing the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Nutrition and Reproductive & Sexual Health and building their capacities as peer educators in spreading messages on positive health behaviour in an enabling environment.

The specific objectives of the programme are as under
- To instill life skills into youths to live better and healthier life.
- Increasing the capacity of the education system in teaching, training of various basic health aspects and helping the adolescents and youths for achieving positive health.
- To ensure that every college going youth in the state is equipped with conceptual knowledge about various basic health aspects which he may possibly encounter during his life.
- To motivate youth and build their capacity as peer educators and change agents by developing their skills on leadership, negotiation, and team building.
- To promote voluntary non-remunerated blood donation among youth.
- Promote Regular voluntary blood donation by young people and increase access to safe and adequate quantities of blood.
Basis Strategies of Red Ribbon Club Programme:
The programme is being implemented through a Non-Governmental Organisation in coordination with the universities’ trained RRC Incharge/ Programme Officers (Lecturers) and peer educators. Non-governmental organisations will train the nodal teachers and peer educators with initial support from trained resource persons. The nodal teachers and peer educators will take interactive classroom sessions with students across all targeted colleges.
These sessions will be based on five issues, which are as follows:
A Healthy Lifestyle and a Stress & Strain-Free Environment.
Drug Addiction. Promotion of Blood Donation Life skill Development and good eating habits.
Reproductive & Sexual Health including RTI/STI and HIV/AIDS.
The sessions will be participatory and seek to address the concerns of youths on growing up through role-play, brainstorming, and discussion. They will also address myths and misconceptions that young people have about health and reply to queries from youths by using the Question Box.